About "LeMaanam"


dAt April 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in Israel, Dr. Tamara Kolitz recognised that the everyday struggles of lonliness, leaving the house, and sometimes the harsh living conditions of holocaust survivors in Israel were made worse by the pandemic. She then contacted a group of her friends, which were also doctors, and offered to create a specialised medical apperatus.
Within a few days, hundreds of doctors from all fields of medicine volunteered, with one goal – to provide holocaust survivors with high-quality, accessible and free medicine.
A series of partners joined the founding task – and thus a unique and first-of-its-kind initiative was launched. In November 2020, we opened our call center, and since then we have been at the disposal of holocaust survivors from all over the country.
Together with the over 1000 doctors who have already joined, we are doing everything we can to ensure that no holocaust survivors are abandoned.

We have not forgotten and we will not forget, we stand by their side, mobilized with love - 'for their sake' (LeMaanam).

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds; He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
(Psalms 147:3-4)

Special thanks to Rabbi Elimelech Pirer, for helping our cause.

Our Activities

Today, the organisation conssists of more than a thousand volunteers – doctors, experts in all fields, who provide proper and respectable medical response to survivors all over the country.

The association operates a call center staffed by medical students in the clinical years, and operates Sunday-Thursday between 9 AM to 7 PM in Hebrew and Russian.

Our Mission

"LeMaanam" was established with the aim of providing high-quality, available, personal and free medicine to all holocaust survivors living in Israel. It is not only a human and moral duty of the highest order, but also a national duty - to take care of the Holocaust survivors in their old age and the sickness.

Members of the organisation's committee

Motti Sonnenfeld

Founder of the Danieli Foundation (a.k.a. Danieli Sonnenfeld), which has initiated and supports over 100 projects in the fields of health, education, society and welfare in Israel and around the world. Born in Brazil, resident of Jerusalem and Ra’anana, graduated with a master’s degree in engineering studies and a businessman. Member of the Board of Trustees of Bar-Ilan University and Schneider and Laniado Hospitals. Established the Ram Foundation to suppor families in need and Torah institutions.

Dr. Tamara Kolitz

Founder and chairman of ‘LeMaanam’. Graduate of the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Specialist in internal medicine. Lives in Tel Aviv, mother of two sons.

Moshe Svil

Vice President of the ‘Adi’ network that treats people with disabilities. Fellow of the Gesher Institute for Leadership. Former head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council. The chairman of the settlement is stuck.

Dr. Boaz Tadmor

Doctor, graduate of Hadassah School of Medicine in Jerusalem. Specialist in internal medicine, allergy and clinical immunology. Expert in emergency and disaster management and medical administration. He served in the army in the medical corps for over 20 years in a variety of positions. Between 2005-2015 he managed the Belinson Hospital in Petach Tikva. Director of the Research Authority of the Rabin Medical Center.

Sarah Malik-Sonnenfeld

Business woman and trainer. Graduated from the “Beit Yaakov” seminary in Jerusalem. Descendant of Holocaust survivors on her father’s and mother’s side.

Moshe Teitelbaum

Chairman of “Ihud Hatzla” in Israel. Graduated from law studies at Ono Academic College.

Chava Bar Shi-Glass

Chava was a manager in leading organizations such as: “Maccabi Health Services”, “Amdox” and the “Flying Cargo” group, and even served as the CEO of Domestic Fedex in Israel. Chava holds the position of director of “Assuta Medical Centers” and chairman of Yuval Education Company. Active in social action in several associations, chairman of the board of directors of the Midod organization, Chairman of the Restart association, member of the board of directors in Kfar Nahar Jordan. Hava has a bachelor’s degree in education and international relations from the Hebrew University and a master’s degree in health systems management from Ben Gurion University.

Itzik Hamo

Living with his family in Ramat Gan, after many years as CEO of Femi Premium, he decided to invest most of his time in social work.
Today he serves as a member of the board of directors and assists in volunteering for non-profit organizations in the fields of education, holocaust survivors, butterfly promotion, helping the needy and more…

Rabbi Shlomo Werner

Graduated from Yeshiva Kol Torah and Ponivage. Qualified rabbinate (city rabbi), CEO of the Ram Foundation and the Danieli Foundation, a graduate of the Kol Torah and Ponivage yeshiva.

Dr. Idit Tesler Gabai​

A doctor specializing in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Sheba Medical Center. Graduated from medical studies (MD), certified studies in the management major of the School of Public Health (MPH), and doctorate (PhD) in the field of genetics and bioinformatics at the Hebrew University.

Raanan Saad

Married to Idit, father to Tal, Karen and Adi and grandfather to Ithi.
Lives in Tel Aviv and is a Jerusalemite at heart.
Bachelor’s degree in natural sciences and second degree in business administration from the Hebrew University.
Marketing oriented manager in competitive markets. In recent years, assistant to the general manager of the Fenix ​​- manages the activity of the Fenix ​​Smart

The association's staff

Raz Avitan Katz

Vared Sapir Zonshine
Vice President of Cooperations

Hanit Shafer Laor
hotline manager

Ayelet Moldavsky
Volunteer Manager

Maor Gino
Medical director

Aviv Paz
Director of mobile clinics